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Cosmetic Dentistry

Porcelain Veneers

Years ago, smile makeovers involved multiple dental treatments over a period of several months. That's no longer the case, thanks to porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers are ultra thin shells made of translucent porcelain that can be bonded to your teeth for cosmetic purposes. Extremely versatile and durable, porcelain veneers are an excellent option whether you want a total smile makeover or need to cover a chipped tooth, mask a cracked tooth, or close gaps between your teeth. They require little to no prepping and can often be applied in just one dental visit!

Teeth Whitening

Today's teeth whitening treatments are so easy, convenient and affordable that they've become a regular part of everyone's beauty routine. If you're the do-it-yourself type, an at-home teeth whitening kit might be right for you. These professional grade teeth whitening kits produce excellent results over a longer period of time. They can be purchased from your dentist or over-the-counter, but for best results, it's recommended that you always consult with a dentist before trying any over-the-counter teeth whitening system.

Six Month Smiles

Did you need braces as a teenager but never got them? Do you want straighter teeth but don't want to spend years wearing braces? With Six-Month Smiles braces, you can make life-changing improvements to your smile in just six months. Six-Month Smiles don't just work faster than conventional braces – they look better, too! Made of clear brackets and tooth-colored wires, Six-Month Smiles are virtually invisible. This revolutionary technology is fast becoming the go-to choice for adults who want a common-sense cosmetic choice that fits their lifestyle.

Tooth Colored Fillings

If your silver fillings make you feel self-conscious when you smile, or it's simply time to replace them, consider white fillings. White fillings are just as durable as they are attractive! Made of composite resin, white fillings match the natural color of your teeth and are an excellent option for small to mid-sized cavities. White fillings are strong, stain-resistant and require less removal of your tooth structure than amalgam fillings.

Inlays and Onlays

Dental inlays and onlays are the same kind of restoration, but they cover different proportions of the tooth. A dental inlay fills the space in between the cusps, or rounded edges, at the center of the tooth's surface. The dental onlay works like an inlay but covers one or more cusps or the entire biting surface of the tooth. Because of their extensive coverage, dental onlays are sometimes referred to as "partial crowns."

Dental onlays are more durable and usually last longer than dental fillings but, like any restoration, can still weaken the tooth's structure. The size of the filling and type of material you choose can help determine the life of your restoration. Depending on your budget and aesthetic needs, dental onlays can be made from gold, composite resin or porcelain.

Dental Bonding

Cosmetic dental bonding is a versatile and affordable way to improve the appearance of chipped teeth, stained teeth and gapped teeth. As one of the most conservative cosmetic dentistry treatments around, cosmetic dental bonding requires little to no prepping and preserves most of the natural tooth structure. And it's fast, too! Dental bonding usually takes just one visit to complete.